SpeedMeet – connecting school-leavers and employers

SpeedMeet has successfully concluded for another year. This unique annual event connects secondary school students with employers looking for new talent. Think job-hunting speed-dating style!

Students meet with each employer for six minutes, then both note whether they’d like to see each other again. Matches are made and contact details are shared for another meeting, with potential employment on offer.

Across nine events over August and September, there were over 3500 speedmeet sessions between 200 students and 150 employers, generating over 1000 matches or opportunities for employment.

“Employers can find it hard to engage with their local secondary schools to secure new apprentices and trainees, and often these types of careers, and ‘earn and learn’ pathways, are not always top of mind for school-leavers”, says SpeedMeet founder Rachael Dippie from MITO.

“So it’s a no brainer to support the connecting of jobseekers and employers. And through the speed-dating concept the students are exposed to a wide variety of different career options, and for the employers, they are meeting large numbers of students with a range of different skills and interests.”

SpeedMeet 2022 involved Careerforce, Competenz, Connexis, HITO, MITO, PrimaryITO and ServiceIQ, in partnership with the Ministry of Education.  Career opportunities, and work-based learning, were available in a variety of industries, including agriculture, automotive, engineering, infrastructure, health and wellbeing, hospitality, retail, tourism and much more.

Want to find out more? Watch the video below.

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