Stepping Up With a Scholarship

In the four years since joining the automotive industry, 22 year old MITO learner, Immanuel Rowe, has gained a national qualification, is well on his way to earning a second, and is thriving in a career he loves.

Working as a tyre technician at Tyrecorp, Silverdale, Immanuel wanted to explore his potential and future pathway in the industry. After a discussion with his manager, Grant Ogilvie, he decided to enrol in the National Certificate in Motor Industry (Vehicle Servicing) in Tyres (Level 2). A qualification usually expected to take a year to complete, he graduated in just under four months.

Achieving the qualification was the perfect way to prove my capabilities.

“I decided to get qualified in order to progress my career and ensure I had something that recognised the skills and knowledge I’d already learned in the industry,” says Immanuel. “Achieving the qualification was the perfect way to prove my capabilities and it was great that I was able to complete the training programme on the job and in a relatively short time due to my existing experience.”

His commitment to completing the qualification came as no surprise to his manager Grant. “I’m passionate about upskilling our staff and creating opportunities for them to train and further themselves,” he says. “Immanuel’s dedication meant he has grasped any opportunity available to him, attending numerous supplier presentations and training events in order to increase his knowledge. It’s a credit to his attitude and just shows what can be achieved if you set your mind to it”.

Immanuel Rowe

Immanuel Rowe, Business Skills scholarship recipient

“I was stoked to receive the scholarship!” says Immanuel. “For me, completing the First Line Management programme and gaining that qualification really was the logical next step in my career and it now enables me to take my skills to the next level.”Encouraged by his success with his study, Immanuel continued to pursue the career opportunities available to him and successfully applied for a 2016 MITO Business Skills scholarship. The scholarship contributed to the fees for MITO’s National Certificate in Business (First Line Management) (Level 4) — a professional development programme for those aspiring to management excellence.

A few months into the qualification, Immanuel was promoted to assistant manager and is relishing the opportunity to put what he’s learning to practice in the workplace. “It’s definitely helping me, in not only my role as assistant manager, but also in my personal life too,” he says. “I’ve learned a lot about business skills, and managing your team and the day to day activities of the business and, as a result, I believe we’re now working more efficiently.”

Immanuel can clearly see the benefits of his training but openly acknowledges the First Line Management programme is a big step up for him. “It can be challenging at times and while it’s an increase in my workload, the support I’m receiving from both my employer and my MITO Industry Training Advisor makes it that much easier. Plus, it’s always good to continue to be challenged in your work!”

With the long-term goal of one day owning his own business in the industry, and with an admirable commitment to industry training, Immanuel is looking forward to continuing to climb the ladder. “Once I’ve completed the First Line Management programme I’ll be looking into what I can do next!”

With such infectious enthusiasm, Immanuel’s aspirations point to an exciting career ahead.

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