Wanganui Lions Club Scholarship Funding
For the past five years, the Lions Club of Wanganui has awarded scholarships to young people residing in Wanganui who are currently completing an apprenticeship, or about to commence their industry training.
These scholarships assist recipients with course fees and other related expenses.
If you know of anyone who would be suitable for such a scholarship, please complete the application form and return to the Lions Club at PO Box 322, Wanganui.
Scholarship Application Form PDF - 4 MB
There is no set amount offered to each applicant, rather amounts will be based on the merits of each individual. Applicants will also be required to present themselves for an interview at a later stage.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact Lions Club of Wanganui Secretary, Lindsay Young on 06 347 1696.
Applications close Wednesday 1 March.