Update on Te Pūkenga leadership structure and organisational design
On Thursday 6 October, Te Pūkenga acting Chief Executive, Peter Winder, shared the decisions from the recent engagement on the future organisational design of Te Pūkenga.
In August Te Pūkenga engaged on Tā tatou huarahi | Our pathway: Te Pūkenga organisational direction and design. Through this process, almost 3000 submissions were received from both staff and external stakeholders. The decisions made from the engagement process have been shared and can be viewed on the Te Pūkenga website.
Peter Winder said “The confirmed executive level structure sets in place the leadership positions needed to shape a new applied and vocational education provider that genuinely provides on-the-job, on campus and online training that meets the needs of ākonga (learners), with their whānau, employers, industry and unions.”
While Te Pūkenga moves into the next phase of establishment, and recruits its executive leadership team, MITO continues our current operations within Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning. It is expected that over the coming months there will be tranches of detailed design for the remaining organisational tiers and teams with kaimahi (staff) moved into the new structure, with minimal disruption over 2023.
Thank you to those who took the time to share your thoughts through the recent engagement process. If you have any questions, please do make contact with us.