MITO launches automotive campaign

MITO’s latest automotive campaign will resonate with school leavers and young adults between 16 and 22 years. The creative for the digital marketing campaign is bold and exciting and has been developed with gaming and sci-fi in mind! Users get to ‘choose your tool’ and engage with advanced technology that has transformed automotive repair facilities across New Zealand.

Social media features largely in the campaign with Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, gaming websites – as well as targeted street poster placements guaranteed to draw attention. The tagline ‘Equip for the Future’ will draw traffic to the campaign website,, where users can immediately create a jobseeker profile on the MITO Job Hub to promote themselves to automotive employers.

This is great news for automotive employers who can take the opportunity to list their current vacancies on the MITO website, automatically becoming part of the campaign. There are no costs involved for employers – with an added bonus that registered MITO Job Hub employers can access the profiles and contact details of jobseekers actively looking for work in your industry and based in your region.

The campaign will run until the end of November.