New zealand Certificate in Mining and quarrying (FIRST-LINE SUPERVISION) – SURFACE



Training Fee

Drilling Mining and Quarrying Level

Drilling Mining and Quarrying Duration

Drilling Mining and Quarrying Cost


2 Years

$643 excluding GST*


get qualified with mito

Designed in consultation with industry, this training programme will provide you with the technical skills and operational knowledge to undertake first-line supervision responsibilities at a workplace within a surface context. With the responsibility for the performance and safety of your team a key concept of the programme, you’ll also acquire the planning and organisational skills to implement work and production schedules.

The programme includes a mix of workplace practical learning and eLearning which allows you to complete theory elements of the programme in your own time and at your own pace. You can access eLearning resources, including videos, interactive simulations and online theory assessments, at any time and from any device—mobile phone, tablet or computer. Real-time results and progress reports are available through MITO’s online Portal to both you and your supervisor.


OUTCOME 1 Provide leadership and guidance when organising their own and others' activities at a mining and quarrying site. 20
OUTCOME 2 Interpret and implement mining and quarrying operational plans in compliance with legislation and workplace policies and procedures. 50
OUTCOME 3 Co-ordinate and apply risk assessment procedures and workplace health and safety and environmental procedures at a mining and quarrying site. 20
OUTCOME 4 Conduct workplace inspections and incident investigations to maintain safety at a mining and quarrying site. 10
OUTCOME 5 Communicate orally and in writing within the mining and/or quarrying workplace, and complete record-keeping for the mining and quarrying operation on a daily basis. 5
OUTCOME 6 Apply broad operational and theoretical knowledge of surface mining, quarrying and/or processing to ensure team members can complete a wide range of tasks as required by the operational plan at a surface mining, quarrying and/or processing site. 55


The training fee is $643 (excluding GST and any bulk learner discount). Note this is an annual fee and is non-refundable. 

*Prices may vary for work visa holders.


If you are currently employed in the industry and your employer is able to support you, please contact MITO and we'll organise an appointment to get you enrolled.