certificates of competence

MITO can help arrange training and assessment for the unit standards needed to apply for a certificate of competence (CoC).

Information about CoCs can be found at the WorkSafe website.

Who can help?

Query Who can help
Do I need a CoC?

NZ Mining Board of Examiners Secretariat


What unit standards do I need to do to keep my CoC?
I want to apply for a CoC or a CoC renewal (I have the unit standards I need).
I hold and Australian CoC, do I need a NZ one?
I have questions about continuing professional development (CPD) requirements.
I have questions about Logbook requirements.
I have questions about the examinations for CoCs.
I've done training that I think is the same as the unit standards required for the CoC. Can I cross credit this?

MITO National Assessor

0800 88 21 21


I hold Australian Units of Competency, can these be used in place of the NZ ones?
I need training for some unit standards required for the CoC.

Local MITO Industry Training Advisor

0800 88 21 21



more information

2025 ACT Safety Schedule - CoC