NEW ZEALAND Certificate in Collision Repair (STRUCTURAL) (LEVEL 5)



Training fee

Automotive Duration

Automotive Cost


14 months

$682 excluding GST*


get qualified with mito

Designed in consultation with industry, this programme will provide experienced non-structural collision repairers with the skills and knowledge required to advance their career to structural repair positions.

The programme includes a mix of workplace practical learning and eLearning which allows you to complete theory elements of the programme in your own time and at your own pace. You can access eLearning resources, including videos, interactive simulations and online theory assessments, at any time and from any device—mobile phone, tablet or computer. Real-time results and progress reports are available through MITO’s online Portal to both you and your supervisor.


Learners entering this programme must have completed the New Zealand Certificate in Collision Repair (Non-Structural Repair) (Level 4), or provide evidence of equivalent skills and knowledge.

OUTCOME 1 Oversee activities in a workplace to ensure compliance with legislative and company requirements within a collision repair workplace. 5 25
OUTCOME 2 Apply specialist collision repair knowledge to evaluate damage and select appropriate repair methods. 5 25
OUTCOME 3 Apply specialist collision repair knowledge to repair structural damage to an acceptable industry standard. 5 40


The training fee is $682 (excluding GST and any bulk learner discount). Note this is a fixed fee and is non-refundable. 

*Prices may vary for work visa holders.


If you're currently employed in the industry and your employer is able to support you, contact MITO today to get qualified. 

get inspired

For as long as Bradley Potter Gray can remember he has always been passionate and interested about cars. He initially studied the mechanical side of the industry, but it wasn’t until he realised how much more panel beating had to offer that he decided that was the way to go.

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