NEW ZEALAND Certificate in Coachbuilding (Level 3 and 4)



Training Fee

Automotive Duration

Automotive Cost

3 and 4

3-4 years

$1,189 excluding GST*


get qualified with mito

This training programme will provide you with the skills and knowledge required to effectively build coaches and motor homes and fabricate and repair their components. Graduates will be able to work in a range of coachbuilding roles and will be capable of working unsupervised.

The programme includes a mix of workplace practical learning and eLearning which allows you to complete theory elements of the programme in your own time and at your own pace. You can access eLearning resources, including videos, interactive simulations and online theory assessments, at any time and from any device—mobile phone, tablet or computer. Real-time results and progress reports are available through MITO’s online Portal to both you and your supervisor.


Choose to complete one or both of the following qualifications:

  • New Zealand Certificate in Coachbuilding (Level 3)
  • New Zealand Certificate in Coachbuilding (Level 4).
OUTCOME 1 Apply knowledge of workplace policies, procedures and relevant regulations to work safely and effectively in a coachbuilding workshop. 3 20
OUTCOME 2 Apply knowledge of fundamental automotive engineering vehicle systems and use of tools and equipment to complete basic assembly, fitting and minor repairs on components of coachbuilding vehicles. 3 100
OUTCOME 3 Interpret customer requirements and respond to technical issues as required in a coachbuilding workplace. 4 10
OUTCOME 4 Apply knowledge of automotive engineering to complete fabrication and repair tasks in a coachbuilding workshop. 4 60
OUTCOME 5 Manufacture vehicle components in the coachbuilding industry. 4 60

training fee

The training fee for 2025 will be $1,189 (excluding GST and any bulk learner discount). Note this is a fixed fee and is non-refundable.

*Prices may vary for work visa holders.


If you are currently employed in the industry and your employer is able to support you, contact MITO and we’ll arrange an appointment to get you on your way to a rewarding career. 

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